Tracking Daily Childcare Activities in Sandbox
When parents come to pick up their child from child care, they want to know how things went and what their child was active with throughout the day. To make the process of communicating this information easier, you can now track children’s daily activities digitally in Sandbox and share them instantly with parents throughout the day!
Daily logs in Sandbox allow parents to gain insight on what their child is busy with while they are at work or away. Sandbox enables teachers to share information with parents such as what their child ate, their mood, any incidents, their bowel movements, etc.
Parents can check their Parent Portal account throughout the day to see activities as they’re updated to their account in the Daily Logs section. You can also choose to email out a complete daily log to parents each day so that they can see a quick snapshot of what they were up to throughout the day.
You can also use the Parent App Newsfeed to share photos with parents throughout the day. Sharing photos alongside the daily logs helps to share in the day with them more vividly. Nothing brightens a parent’s day more than an adorable picture of their child eating their snack or playing with some friends!
The Sandbox Teacher App enables teachers to complete these daily logs on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. Teachers can easily add/edit activities and share photos throughout the day for individual children or for multiple children all at one time!
Check out our daily logs user manual here to help you start communicating with your parents today!