
3 Tips To Help You Keep Your Childcare Center Clean

Gavin Wieske
September 29, 2017

In our post for today we will focus on how to ensure cleanliness at your child care center, an extremely important task. We all know how busy children are and they certainly enjoy making a mess of everything they touch. Due diligence is required to keep your center clean and your children healthy. We have put together some tips to help keep your center spick and span!

Create a cleaning schedule

It is important to do daily maintenance, including the cleaning of toys, washing down tables, vacuuming and mopping the floors. Sometimes larger centers will have a janitor to help tackle these tasks, however at many centers, it is something that the supervisor and staff need to take care of. Take the time to sit down and put together a regular cleaning schedule. Tasks on the schedule will differ from center to center depending on the building, type of child care provided, number of staff, etc. Take a look at a cleaning schedule template as well as any local regulations to ensure that the cleaning schedule for your center is thorough, and nothing is missed. Having a regular cleaning schedule makes it easy to stay on top of all the regular tasks, and ensure that you don’t forget anything.

Washing of hands

Washing hands is an extremely important for both staff and children. Ensure that your staff wash their hands regularly, especially after certain actions such as using the washroom, cleaning up after playtime, or changing diapers. Bathrooms should be well equipped with hand cleaning supplies and it’s also a good idea to have sanitization spots throughout your center. Washing your hands is crucial to keeping your child care center clean and germ-free.

Clean and disinfect

Once you have put together your cleaning schedule, it is important that the cleaning tasks are performed correctly and on schedule. Ensure that your staff are trained on how to complete each cleaning task properly. Even if a spot does not look dirty, it still needs to be cleaned and sanitized on schedule. This especially applies to items such as toys, door handles and diaper change tables. Keeping your center clean is critical to keeping children from getting sick, and for preventing the spread of bacteria among children and staff.

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