Teacher App Brings Sandbox Into the Classroom

The exciting launch of our Teacher App last year brought Sandbox into the classrooms of child care centers across North America, enabling teachers to more easily access the Sandbox features that they need through the Teacher app on both iOS and Android tablets and smartphones. By simplifying daily tasks such as tracking attendance, sharing photos and messaging with parents, the Teacher App frees up more time for teachers to spend in the classroom with the children. The Teacher App is a free download for all Sandbox customers. Here are some of the things that you and your staff can start doing today in the Sandbox Teacher App.
View Child Information
Teachers must have quick and easy access to important information for the children in their care. Double-checking an allergy before morning snack, contacting the guardians of a sick child, and confirming authorized drop-off/pickups are all examples of why it’s important for staff to have child information at their fingertips. Our app provides search and filter features that enable teachers to easily navigate through the child list and find the profile that they’re looking for. This eliminates the need to manually search through all the family file folders for the information that they need.
Manage Child Attendance
Pickup and drop-off periods are typically some of the busiest times of the day at child care centers. Tracking attendance accurately is an essential part of the documentation process for centers and preschools. The Sandbox Teacher app makes it easy for staff to check children in/out at the center quickly, as well as update child attendance when it’s being used alongside the Sandbox Timeclock. Simply tapping a child’s name checks them in/out, and the multi-select option enables staff to quickly check in/out a group of children when necessary.
Message Parents
It’s important for child care staff and parents to be able to communicate conveniently throughout the day and the messaging feature in the Teacher app makes this an easy task. Staff can message parents individually or send group messages to multiple parents as needed. Permissions in Sandbox enable you to control which teachers can and which ones can’t have access to message back and forth with parents. A group message feed in Sandbox enables admin users to monitor all of the messages going out and coming in to ensure that the communication is being done appropriately.
Post Photos and Updates
Dropping their child off at child care before heading to work can be a difficult way to start the day for many parents. The Teacher app makes it easy for teachers to share child photos and activity updates with parents throughout the day in the Sandbox Parent Portal. This helps parents to feel connected with their child and stay up-to-date with their progress as they receive these posts throughout the day.
Add and Update Daily Logs
Filling out daily activity logs individually on paper is a tedious task for teachers. Parents love these reports, but creating them takes up a lot of time for teachers throughout each day. The ability to track activities through the Teacher app has made this task easier and much quicker. Once the daily log activities have been set up in Sandbox, teachers can easily add and update them for children throughout the day. The ability to post updates for a group of children at once is where staff will really save a lot of time. For example, staff can post the morning snack for all of the appropriate children at one time. By accessing the Sandbox Parent Portal, parents can keep up with all of the activities for their child throughout each day.
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