Reports in Sandbox Make Life Easier
There are many reports available in Sandbox Software, and they will save you many hours of administrative work. Our extensive list of reports enables you to quickly find the information that you’re looking for in a neatly organized format. There are several ways that reports can be created and used at your center. One option is to preview/print them, enabling you to produce a paper copy. Another option is to download the reports in PDF format, so that you can save them digitally, or email them off to a colleague. A third option is to export the reports to Excel, so that you can work with the information, or possibly import it into other software program that you might use. The reports in Sandbox are categorized under five headings.
The administrative reports section contains useful reports such as an Allergy list, an Enrollment list, a Staff Hours report, and many more. The reports are formatted appropriately for the data that fills each report. For example, reports like the Emergency Card enable you to print off a sheet with all the information that you need to have on file for the children, including guardians, emergency contacts, and medical/allergy information. This eliminates the need for you to manually fill out paper copies for each child. Whether you head out for a day at the park, or you pack up for a field trip, you have the peace of mind that if there’s an emergency, all important information will be at your fingertips. When necessary, these reports can be generated individually for each class.
Tracking attendance is an important task that needs to be completed every day. Signing children in and out can be an overwhelming task, especially in centers where children come and go throughout the day. There are also many restrictions and requirements for how attendance information is tracked, depending on the State or Province that you are located in. That is why we have put together some great reports to help keep you keep track of this information easily. If you use our Timeclock, you can have parents and staff sign in and out quickly and easily. This information is automatically pushed into the attendance and staff hours sections. We then provide different attendance and staff hours reports that provide you with a summary of this information when you need it. If you prefer not to use the Timeclock, or are required to keep a paper copy of your attendance as well, we have a wide variety of sign in/out sheets that you can choose from, formatted to meet your specific needs.
The projection reports section consists of a number of reports that will help you when you’re looking to project your enrollment, or when you’re managing your waitlist. Our monthly and weekly projection reports quickly display the scheduled attendance and openings for each of your classes based on the ‘as of date’ that you select. This enables you to see what your enrollment looks like in a month, or even a year in advance. Using these reports will help you find spots for new families that are looking to join your center. Once again, these reports can be a great time saver for you and your staff.
The billing reports section contains many reports that are obviously very important for managing your business. Sandbox contains over 20 different billing reports to help you manage the finances at your center. Some of the reports include: Payment Summary report, Aged Summary report, Subsidy report, Fee Detail Report, and many more. One very useful report is our Accounting Summary report. This report can be run as an accrual-based or cash-based report, and breaks down all of your revenue/income in detail. These numbers are often used by our customers to insert into the general ledger of their accounting software such as Quickbooks for full accounting needs.
Company Wide
Sandbox enables you to keep track of multiple locations through one account. For our customers with multiple child care locations, this enables any user (with permissions enabled) to easily navigate through each of the centers, while still keeping the information localized by location. The company-wide reports section is for customers with multiple locations. These reports summarize the specific billing information you need across all locations. With reports like our A/R Aging report or Financial Summary report, you can quickly find the financial information you need across the entire company. These reports also provide an extremely efficient way to monitor how you are performing as an organization, and then drill down into detail as needed.