How to Increase Profits for Part-time Preschool Programs

If you are a part-time preschool program looking for ways to increase profits, than this blog is just for you. I have worked with many part-time, unlicensed half-day programs that are limited because their building or site cannot be licensed for one reason or another.
I encourage you today to think outside the box if you find yourself in this situation. Just because your center cannot be licensed does not mean that you cannot have a profitable program.
The amazing thing about working on a team is that you find everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Some are creative, and others are logical. Some are organized, and others are spontaneous.
I've always been known to have the strength of thinking outside the box. It's something I frequently heard from my old team, and it's something my husband would agree with as well.
However, what I have learned is that I needed a reliable team to help take my dreams and make them a reality. Make sure you leverage your team to ensure you work together to utilize your strengths, whatever they may be.
Today I'm going to share with you three ideas on how you can increase profit for your part-time half-day preschool program. These are all ideas that I have used and seen pay off in many different programs that I have coached along the way.
Here are three ways to increase profit as a part-time preschool program:
Offer PM Option
If your center is unlicensed, you cannot operate a program for over four hours a day. I am here today to tell you that this does not have to limit your center as much as you may think.
One method that I have used with several preschools I've coached is to add a PM class option. Most often, half-day programs fill up their classrooms and then call it full. I am here to say you can almost double that enrollment by adding in a PM option. Here is how it works.
You have AM class options from 9-12 (give or take) and then add another option 12:30-3:30 (give or take). This new model will double your capacity and also add to the choices that parents have for care. The afternoon PM option is most effective for the older preschool classes. I would suggest just offering it to your 4-5's Pre-K group due to naps for the youngers.
Lunch Bunch
Another option is extending the day for lunch bunch. Lunch Bunch is something that we did at my preschool program. This is where we extend the preschool day by one hour once a week, and we offer lunch for the children.
This is a great way to transition kids to go from a part-time preschool to a full day option and also as they get ready for kindergarten.
At my center, we provided lunch, and we usually ordered pizza. The parents paid for the pizza or lunch option and an additional fee for their child to stay late. This was very cost-effective and popular among our families. Almost every child in the class signed up to stay late when we offered it.
Non-School Day Care Options
Offering care for children on non-school days (per the local school calendar) is a great way to increase the money you are bringing into your center. This is also an excellent way for families to come check you out with little commitment.
You might be thinking, "my center isn't licensed, and we can't offer full-day." Depending on your license, there is a loophole for camps. You can offer full-day care if it's not on a regular basis.
At my preschool and after school center, we were open on all of the public school days off, whether they were teacher workdays or holidays. We offered full-day programs or camp-style care for children who were 2 to 12 years of age.
We always encouraged families to invite friends since we opened up our center during these days to anyone who wanted to attend. It was an excellent outreach for new families.
Final Notes:
I hope that these three ideas got you thinking about new ways you can increase profits at your part-time preschool program. Something amazing happens when we consider doing things out of the ordinary and trying out something new.
Remember that all centers are different, and some things may work for your center that won't work for others.
We would love to hear your ideas and maybe things that you have tried as well. Send any ideas to me Julia, the customer advocate!