Homeschooling Resources for Infants to Preschool Age

As we adjust to this new environment of learning from home, we wanted to provide you with some fun developmental activities to do with your children.
Being at home with young children can be so much fun and yes exhausting from time to time as well. In a season where most parents are home with their kids we wanted to help you out by providing some ideas to engage with your children.
Below is a collection of fun activities to try with your infants, toddlers, and preschoolers! Some of these you may have tried before, but I bet there are a few new ones to try as well.
Daily Schedule Sample
6:00/8:30 Breakfast and Morning Time
8:30-9:00 Get Dressed for the Day
9:00-9:30 Morning Activity #1 (choose one from above)
9:30-10:00 Outdoor free play or in house (weather permitting)
10:00-10:30 Snack Time
10:30-11:30 Morning Activity #2 (Child Led Activity)
12:00-2:30 Nap or Quite Time
2:30-3:00 Afternoon Snack
3:00-3:30 Outdoor free play or in house (weather permitting)
3:30-4:30 Afternoon Activity #3 (choose one from above)
4:30-7:00 Free time/ Dinner/ Bath & Bedtime
For a great resource check out “Let’s play Music” .
Hickory Dickory Dock:
For very little ones you can sing the song together demonstrating the actions, encouraging and praising any attempts to join in.
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
the clock struck one,
the mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
the clock struck two,
the mouse said boo! (jumps out!)
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
the clock struck three,
the mouse went weeee! (slides down!)
Hickory Dickory Dock
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider, who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away!
Little Miss Muffet came back to her tuffet,
To finish her curds and whey,
And back came the spider, who sat down beside her
And gave her a lovely bouquet!
Weather Song For Kids
What is the weather today?
Oh what is the weather today?
It’s warm and dry, it’s warm and dry,
That is the weather today!
What is the weather today?
Oh what is the weather today?
It’s pouring with rain, it’s pouring with rain,
That is the weather today!
(sing to the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock)
The Color Song
My color is cool and pure,
Like sky or water ,
Guess what you think it is?
(child answers) “I think it’s blue!”
My color is clean and fresh,
Like a cucumber,
Guess what you think it is?
(child answers) “I think it’s green!”
My color is warm and hot,
Just like a chilli,
Guess what you think it is?
(child answers) “I think it’s red!”
My color is like the sun,
Or a banana!
Guess what you think it is?
(child answers) “I think it’s yellow”
My color is dark as ink,
Just like a spider!
Guess what you think it is?
(child answers) “I think it’s black”
(sing to the same tune as ‘My Paddle’s Keen and Bright’)
For a great resource for kids games, check out Today’s Parenting article on activities that keep kids busy on a rainy day!
- Duck duck goose
- Tag
- Hide and Seek
- I spy
- Freeze Dance
- Hopscotch
- Treasure Hunt
- Hot potato
- Find the object
Easy Activities for all kids
- Build a fort with blankets
- Go for a walk or hike
- Drop by something special on a friends doorstep
- Sidewalk chalk
- Run through the Sprinkler (weather permitting)
- Eat a special snack or meal outside
- Send a postcard to a friend or family member
- Facetime, Zoom, or Skype a friend or family member
Snack Ideas
When it comes to food remember to include all the food groups. For each snack your child should have 2 different food groups. For example a carbohydrate (cracker) and a vegetable (carrots). For lunch try to include something from every food group!
Food Groups:
- Grains
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Diary
- Protein
Snack Ideas
For a more detailed list check out Your Kids Table.
- Crackers and cheese
- Banana bread and nuts
- Meat and cheese
- Veggies and dip
- Cottage cheese and crackers
- Yogurt and gram crackers
- Peanut butter toast
- Trail mix
- Fruit and cream cheese dip
- Rice cakes and fruit
- Red bell pepper and hummus
- Applesauce and muffin
Getting in the Kitchen
Getting into the kitchen with your children can offer great educational opportunities. Just think about all the math, letter recognition and just relationship building you can do while cooking or baking. Depending on your child’s age the activities they can participate in will look very different, but I want to encourage you to not be afraid and give it a try. Think process not product.
Recipes to try:
- Play dough
- Salad
- Cookies
For some great tips on Baking/Cooking with Kids check out Kid-Friendly Baking Tips by Age by Betty Crocker
Homeschooling Preschool Resources
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